Back in July, we tried to convince you that print isn’t dead and instead has unlimited exposure. It’s important to remember that physical beings crave physical communication. Whether it be print campaigns, a magazine, newspaper, outdoor advertising such as billboards, transit posters or directory advertising, we as readers like the paper version!
It goes without saying, we spend a lot of time on the internet using digital media platforms. I mean, where would we be without our mobile phones? Social media websites? Or the ability to find out the latest Game of Thrones spoiler. But let’s take a minute to appreciate the advantages of print media and again we’re going to wow you with five more of our favourite print campaigns, which we think is proof that print isn't dead.
Here they are, starting at number one:
1. Weight Watchers

For many of us, we find it difficult to lose weight or ask for help to do so. But this print campaign for Weight Watchers has literally shown us the door to living a healthy lifestyle to achieve our goals and lose weight.
This campaign effectively shows us that Weight Watchers says yes to losing weight. Okay, maybe it’s been done before. The whole ethos of walking in with a goal in mind, and walking out with the goal achieved- but it’s a simple tactic to make you take that step towards weight loss.
Advertising Agency: DraftFCB, Germany
2- Guinness: Enjoy Responsibly. Phones Down, Please.

We’re not sure about you, but when we meet up with friends we would like their undivided attention. We don’t meet up with friends to stare at the top of their heads, whilst they stare down at their phones. We meet up with them to engage and communicate. Phones down, please. Yes, Guinness!
Be social. Put your phone in your pocket and enjoy the refreshment and company in front of you. A brilliant example of print media.
Advertising Agency: unknown
3- Pepsi: We Wish you a Scary Halloween!

Do you drink Pepsi? Or do you drink Coca-Cola? Perhaps, you are scandalous and like the taste of both!
Halloween is approaching next month and Pepsi has taken the opportunity to wish us a scary Halloween. We have two ideas around the meaning of this print ad. Option one: Pepsi is disguising as a can of Coca-Cola in the spirit of acting spooky. Option two: Pepsi is wearing a costume for Halloween, and Coca-Cola as its competitive brand is the scarier option to choose.
We love this technique. Print adverts have no limitations. Cheers to that!
Advertising Agency: Buzz in a Box, Brussels, Belgium
4- Nivea Men: Because Life Makes Wrinkles

Worry lines- everyone is bound to get them at some point in their lives and the further stress you encounter, the more lines will appear on that forehead. Nightmare!
Let’s park the amount of make up this poor male model is wearing and jump straight to the fact that this ad has a simple concept of ‘because life makes wrinkles’. Simple, evocative and so true to form it’s what we can only think makes it so successful.
We’ll encounter stress from our personal lives, work lives and emotionally and physically this takes it tolls on us. So, what does this mean? Take time for yourself. Indulge in things and treat your skin with the love and care Nivea can provide.
Advertising Agency: Jung Von Matt/Alster, Hamburg, Germany
5- Volkswagen: Precision Parking

We think one of the most difficult products to advertise is a car. Companies tend to highlight the glamour, the speed and the dynamics of a new car. Removing the car out of the frame and replacing it with comedic imagery is very unusual and I think more effective.
Many of us tend to scroll past any car advertisements as they are quite repetitive, but Volkswagen displayed creativity and this ad caught our attention. After all the purpose of an advert whether its print or digital is to grab our attention, stop us from scrolling and entice us to the brand.
A clever print advert. With the support of Volkswagen Park Assist, parallel parking is a lot easier. No need to worry, those fish will remain in the bag.
Good job porcupine.
Advertising Agency: DDB Tribal Berlin, Germany
Have we persuaded you yet? Are you convinced “PrintIsn’tDead!” We certainly are. If you want to see five more impactful print campaigns, look at our previous post from July.
Otherwise, grab a print quote from us by clicking here, or for all the latest news follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.